Menu / Tataki 6pzTataki 6pcs (Tataki 6pz)
Tataki di Salmone Salmon (Tataki di Salmone )
Servito con teriyaki e mandorle Served with teriyaki and almonds
Served with teriyaki and almonds
Tataki di TonnoTuna (Tataki di Tonno)
Servito con lime e salsa wasabi citrus Served with lime and citrus wasabi sauce
Served with lime and citrus wasabi sauce
Tataki di BranzinoEuropean bass (Tataki di Branzino)
Servito con salsa unagi erba cipollina e limeServed with unagi chives and lime sauce
European bass
Served with unagi chives and lime sauce
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Via Valle Maggia 81, 6600 Locarno (Ticino)
Via Valle Maggia 81, 6600 Locarno (Ticino)